Software Testing
Below are collections of article against heavy unit testing.
A1. Write tests. Not too many. Mostly integration
- Write tests
- Static typing and linting tools
- Write tests
- Not too many
- No need 100% coverage because of maintainence cost when refactoring
- Still need 100% coverage for libraries
- Mostly integration
A2. Lean Testing
- End-to-end tests provide the greatest confidence, with highest time cost (implementation & execution)
- Integration tests provide the best balance of cost, speed and confidence
- Unit tests provides less cost to write and faster to run, but they test only a small part that might not even be critical
- Use a typed language.
- Focus on integration and end-to-end tests.
- Use unit tests only where they make sense (e.g. pure algorithmic code with complex corner cases)
A3. Giving up on test-first development
Unit test:
- You become conservative to avoid breaking lots of tests
- More reluctant to make large-scale changes
- Makes you focus on detail rather than structure
A4. Unit Test Fetish
- Return on investment of unit tests is an order(s) of magnitude lower than that of end-to-end tests.
- End-to-end tests test the critical path. Unit test do not.
- Unit tests ossify the internal architecture.
- There are things that can’t be unit-tested.
- Some stuff has no rigorous acceptance criteria.
- Unit tests are easy to measure and you should fear that.
Below are collections of article support unit testing.
B1. The Failures of “Intro to TDD”
- Failure #1: Encouraging Large Units
- Solution: refactoring after every test passed (Red-Green-Refactor)
- Failure #2: Encouraging Costly Extract Refactors
- Failure #3: Characterization Tests of Greenfield Code
- Failure #4: Redundant test coverage
- Failure #5: Eliminating Redundancy Sacrifices Regression Value
- Failure #6: Making a Mess with Mocks
A Successful Approach to TDD
See the detail in post.
- Top-down approach
- Fake it until you make it
My take away
- Unit test has quick feedback cycle
- Refactoring internal code of unit (keep same public interface):
- Unit test is great
- Quickly test if refactored unit is working
- Refactoring public interface:
- Unit test is bad: requires more maintainance cost
- Should prevent changes in public interface. How? -> Top-down approach
- E2E test:
- Quickly spot behavior bug
- Test critical paths
- Bad at: hard to cover all cases/edge
Conclusion: Unit test and e2e test are complementary
- Unit Test:
- Quick feedback
- Useful for clear-defined requirement/responsibility of unit
- Cover edge cases
- Support internal refactoring/optimization
- E2E:
- Useful for overall behavior, user scenario
- Cover large areas, critical paths