Overview about media - codec, container, streaming
Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP)
- Application Layer protocol, similar to HTTP, SSH…
- Controlling protocol only, not data transporting
- Used to stream any data in any format (text, audio, video…)
- Client-server
: similar to HTTP OPTIONS, server will response list of allowed request typesDESCRIBE
: description of data will be receivedSETUP
RTSP only provides establishing and controlling, not transmission.
For transmission, other protocols are used, like Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP)
Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP)
- Delivering audio and video over IP networks
- Combined with other controlling/signaling protocol
- Support profile, each profile with many payload formats
- Profile defines codecs of payload
- Payload type is defined in RTP package header
Media codec vs container
- Algos/methods for encoding and decoding data
- Specific for compression, quality…
- Popular codecs:
- Defines format to contain/wrap the encoded media (produced by codec)
- Popular media containers